Health Hazards in the Rainy Season flood, The rainy season flood, while refreshing, can also bring about various health hazards. Here are some common ones:

Waterborne Diseases in the Rainy Season flood

  • Cholera: Contaminated water can lead to cholera, a severe diarrheal illness.
  • Diarrhea: Caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites in contaminated water.
  • Typhoid: Drinking contaminated water or consuming contaminated food can cause typhoid fever.
  • Leptospirosis: This bacterial infection is transmitted through contact with contaminated water or soil.
    Mosquito-Borne Diseases
  • Malaria: Mosquitoes carrying the malaria parasite can transmit the disease.
  • Dengue Fever: Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the primary carriers of dengue fever.
  • Zika Virus: This virus can also be transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.
    Respiratory Illnesses
  • West Nile Virus: A mosquito-borne viral infection.
    Other Health Risks
  • Monsoon Fungal Infections. (1)
  • Common Cold: The damp and humid conditions can promote the spread of the common cold.
  • Influenza: Flu viruses thrive in cooler, wetter environments.
    Other Hazards
  • Skin Infections: Dampness can lead to fungal infections like athlete’s foot or ringworm.
  • Food Poisoning: Improper food handling and storage in humid conditions can increase the risk of food poisoning.
  • Accidents: Slippery roads and reduced visibility can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Drowning: A major cause of death during floods.
  • Injuries: Cuts, scrapes, and broken bones can occur due to falling debris or accidents.
  • Hypothermia: Exposure to cold water or wet conditions can lead to hypothermia.
  • Mental Health Issues: Floods can cause stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Drowning: A major cause of death during floods.

Prevention Tips for the Rainy Season flood

  • Drink clean, filtered water, Boil water or use a water purification system.
  • Cook food thoroughly, Ensure meat is cooked to the proper temperature.
  • Maintain good hygiene, Wash hands frequently: Use soap and clean water.
  • Use mosquito repellents and nets.
  • Avoid walking in stagnant water, Avoid contact with floodwater: Wear protective gear if necessary.
  • Get vaccinated against diseases like influenza and hepatitis A, tetanus, and typhoid.
  • Follow evacuation orders: If ordered to evacuate, do so promptly.
  • Stay updated on weather forecasts and avoid unnecessary outdoor activities during heavy rains or storms.
    By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of contracting waterborne or vector-borne diseases during a flood.


Certain rubrics from repertory with monsoon ailments (2)

  • Complaints < before rainy weather: Phos
  • Rainy weather >: Caust
  • Rain weather <: Rhus t, Sulphur
  • Heavy rain: Dulc, Lemn-m
  • Fever after getting wet in rain: Rhus t, Nat- SulphAran, Calc, Dulc, Fer
  • Pain < in wet weather: Med, Thuj (Neuralgic: Med, Tearing pain: Thuja)
  • Rheumatic pain in joints <: Meli, Rhod
  • Cough after getting wet.: Calc-s. DULC  Nux-m. nux-v. psor. Puls. rhus-t.
  • Cough after getting feet wet: Nux-m
  • Respiratory troubles from getting wet: Phos, Sepia
  • Asthma wet weather:  ant-t. ars. aur. DULC. Med. Nat-s. thuj. verat.
  • COPD:  ars. Dulc. Mang. Sil.
  • Hoarseness after getting wet: Rhus-t
  • Fevers – VIRAL, infection, fever with (Murphy): acon. ars. Bapt. bell. bry. Carc. GELS. merc. nat-m. ph-ac. rhus-t.
  • DENGUE, fever(Murphy): Acon. apisaran. ars. arum-t. bapt.bell. Bry.canth. chin. coloc. EUP-PER. ferr. gels. ham. ip. merc. nux-v. podo. Rhus-t.rhus-v. sanic. sec. sul-ac
  • Fever, heat; dengue fever (complete repertory): EUP-PER GELS ACON BRY RHUS-T aran rhus-v arum-t sanic ham bapt podo sec sul-ac ip canth ferr coloc apis chin merc bell ars nux-v
  • Fever, heat; dengue fever; first stage: ip acon bry ars rhus-t
  • Fever, heat; dengue fever; hemorrhagic: ham sec sul-ac ferr chin ars

Homoeopathy remedies for rainy season(3)

These specific or near specific remedies will help the practitioners for a better prescription for various ailments after getting wet or in rainy season – also helps in avoiding routines in prescription.

  1. Complaints < before rainy weather : Phos
  2. Rainy weather > : Caust
  3. Rain weather < : Rhust,Sulphur
  4. Heavy rain : Dulc, Lemn-m
  5. Fever after getting wet in rain : Rhust,Nat- Sulph,Aran,Calc,Dulc,Fer
  6. Pain < in wet weather : Med,Thuj (Neuralgic : Med, Tearing pain:Thuja)
  7. Rheumatic pain in joints < : Meli, Rhod
  8. Toothache : Nat-c
  9. Ear pain : Nux-v
  10. Corn < rain : Borax
  11. Itching scalp rainy weather : Mag-c
  12. Wet ground; ailments from sitting :  Ars. calc. caust. Dulc. nat-s. Nux-v. rhod. Rhus-t. sil.
  13. Wet getting heated when : bell-p. rhus-t.
  14. Wet getting – perspiration; during: Acon. ant-c. ars. Bell-p. Bry. calc. Clem. Colch. con. Dulc. nat-c. nat-s. Nux-m. RHUS-T. Sep. Verat-v.
  15. Wet getting head : BellPuls,Sep,rhus-t
  16. Weakness in wet weather : Dulc
  17. Paralysis wet; after getting : Caust, Rhus-t
  18. Sinusitis : Dulc
  19. Inflammation joints : nat-s
  20. Faintness after getting wet : Sepia
  21. Convulsions after getting wet: Cupr
  22. Cold tendency to take we weather in : Calend
  23. Skin complaints : Dulc
  24. Urticaria from rain : Rhus-t
  25. Cracked skin – Hands – wetting, from:  CALC.  Cist. d Puls. Rhus-t.  SEP. SULPH.
  26. Inflammation toes : Nit-acid
  27. Numbness hand after getting wet: Rhus-t
  28. EXTREMITIES – PAIN – weather – wet – agg.:  Arg-met.  CALC.  COLCH.  Dulc.  MERC. nat-s. Nit-ac.  . Phyt. PULS. RHOD. RHUS-T. Sars. Sep. Sil. sulph. Tub. VERAT.
  29. Pain wet; after getting: (2) Dulc. RHUS-T.
  30. Pain Feet – weather – wet – agg.: Dulc. Rhod. Rhus-t.
  31. Pain joints – weather – wet – agg.: (5) cimic. gink-b. nux-m. rhod. RHUS-T.
  32. Stiffness back : Phyt,Rhus-t
  33. Stiffness cervical wetting head from : bell
  34. Lumbago after getting wet : Dulc
  35. Back pain weather – wet – agg.: CALC. DULC. kNux-m. Phyt. Rhod. RHUS-T.
  36. Chest pain weather – wet – agg.: Cupr.  Kali-c. NAT-C. Nat-s. Ran-b. rhus-t. Sil.
  37. Pneumonia in wet weather : nat-s
  38. Cough after getting wet.: Calc-s. DULC.  Nux-m. nux-v. psor. Puls. rhus-t.
  39. Cough after getting feet wet : Nux-m
  40. Respiratory from getting wet : Phos, Sepia
  41. Asthma wet weather :  ant-t. ars. aur. DULC. Med. Nat-s. thuj. verat.
  42. COPD :  ars. Dulc. Mang. Sil.
  43. Hoarseness after getting wet : Rhus-t
  44. Voice lost in wet weather : Bar-c
  45. Retention urine weather – cold, wet: Acon. Dulc. gels. rhus-t.
  46. Retention of urine – wet – feet; after getting wet: All-c. Rhus-t.
  47. Dysuria : Colli,All-c
  48. Frequent urination after getting wet : Senec
  49. Frequent urination on exposure to cold and wet : alum. Calc. calc-p. cop. PULS. SARS. sulph.
  50. Diarrhoea after getting wet : Acon. Calc. DULC. RHUS-T. Verat.
  51. Diarrhoea after getting feet wet: RHUS-T
  52. Abdominal pain weather – wet – agg.: ars. Dulc. MANG. Nat-s.
  53. Stomach pain  wet weather : Kali-c. mang. Sulph.
  54. Inflammation of throat : Kali-b
  55. Pain throat weather – wet – agg.: CALC. Dulc. Hep. kola lach. phos. Rhus-t. sacch-a.
  56. Eruption face after getting wet: Euphrasia
  57. Nasal obstruction (dry) : Kali-b
  58. Nasal obstruction in wet weather : Dulc, Mang
  59. Sneezing after getting wet : Ocimum Sanctum
  60. Coryza after getting wet : Puls. Rhus-t. sep.
  61. Coryza we weather : Mercs, Puls
  62. Ear Pain weather – wet – agg.: Calc. Calc-p. Dulc.   Merc. Nat-s. Nux-m. Petr. Puls. Sil.
  63. Conjunctivitis after getting wet : Rhus-t
  64. Headache  wet agg.; getting: (18)  Bell.  CALC. Colch. Dulc. Led.  Nat-m. nux-m. phos. Puls. RHUS-T. Sep.
  65. Stiffness wrist : Rhus-t
  66. Pain wrist: Rhod
  67. Scanty urine : Colch
  68. Sore throat : Calc. Dulc. Hep. Rhus-t.
  69. Tooth ache wet, from getting: Calc. LACH. rhus-t.
  70. Fevers – WET, fever after getting: Calc. Puls. RHUS-T.
  71. Bell’s palsy after getting wet : Caust
  72. Mastitis after getting wet : Phyt
  73. Meningitis after getting wet : Rhus-t 
  74. Fevers – VIRAL, infection, fever with (Murphy) : (11) acon. ars. Bapt. bell. bry. Carc. GELS. merc. nat-m. ph-ac. rhus-t.
  75. DENGUE, fever (Murphy) : (24) Acon. apis aran. ars. arum-t. bapt. bell. Bry. canth. chin. coloc. EUP-PER. ferr. gels. ham. ip. merc. nux-v. podo. Rhus-t. rhus-v. sanic. sec. sul-ac.
  76. Fever, heat; dengue fever (complete repertory): EUP-PER GELS ACON BRY RHUS-T aran rhus-v arum-t sanic ham bapt podo sec sul-ac ip canth ferr coloc apis chin merc bell ars nux-v
  77. Fever, heat; dengue fever; first stage: ip acon bry ars rhus-t
  78. Fever, heat; dengue fever; hemorrhagic: ham sec sul-ac ferr chin ars


  1. The Best Homeopathic Treatments for Monsoon Fungal Infections; Medisynth
  2. Common Monsoon Diseases and their Homeopathic Treatment; Hompath
  3. Homoeopathy remedies for rainy season; Dr Mansoor Ali; homeobook 
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