How to make difference between verruca and corn

Others namePlantar wartsCallus
CausationHuman Papilloma Virus 1,2,4,57,60,63,65,66 & 156Increase pressure & frictions on the skin.
ContagiousHighly contagious.Not contagious.
IncubationLong a couple of months to a year.A long period of time.
Striations Interrupt the striation on your skin.They’re quiet.
Black DotsHave black dots.Don’t have black dots
Yellow toneAbsent Present
raised Absent Present
shape Cauliflower- esque Conical, circular
PainStinging “stepping-on-a-needle” type of pain by pressureLong-standing corn becomes painful.


  1.  Angelica Balingit, MD ; Treating and Preventing Plantar Warts; Updated on January 21, 2022; Healthline.
  2.  Leena Lakhani ;What’s the difference between a verruca and a corn?; BUCKS FOOT CLINIC.
  3.  Louise; What is the difference between a corn and a verruca?; | Mar 4, 2021; West Berkshire Foot Clinic.
  4. Peter A Gearhart, MD Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine & Peter A Gearhart, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ;Human Papilloma Virus(HPV); Medscape.
  5. Egawa,Kitasato,Honda,Kawai,Mizushima,Ono; Human papillomavirus 57 identified in a plantar epidermoid cyst; British Journal of Dermatology; Volume 138, Issue 3; p. 510-514; Wiley Online Library.
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