A Homoeopathic case of Fibroid uterus & Right Ovarian cyst with Retoverted Bulgy Uterus.
38 years old married women.
present complaints:
- Frequant micturation.
- pain in lumber region with severe constipation.
- Insomnia. With pain in vertex.
- Oily food avoid.
- Hot patient.
- Thirst less.
Previous Lab investigation:
- 29/08/21- Retroverted bulgy uterus; Fibroid uterus & Right ovarian cyst.
- 07/10/21- Fibroid uterus (3.7 cm x 2.1 cm)
- 25/11/21- Fibroid uterus (2.2 cm x 1.8)
Past history:
- Cold Allergy; sneezing.
- Nasal polyps.
- Enlarged Tonsils.
- Muscle stiffness.
- Anaemia.
- Amenorrhea.
- Severe UTI.
- Irregular menstruation.
family history:
- Father: MI
- Mother: DM; Hypertension & knee joint pain.
- G.F. Paternal: DM
- G.M.Paternal: Unknown.
- G.F. Maternal: Unknown.
- G.M. Maternal: Unknown.
- Husband: Night pollution; frequent micturation.
Before pulsatila:

First prescription:
Pulsatilla 200
second Prescription:
Pulsatilla 1 M
After Pulsatila:

For Appointment with
- Tags:
- Success case