Leonurus japonicus, commonly called oriental motherwort or Chinese motherwort, is a herbaceous flowering plant native to Asia, including Korea and Japan, and China to Cambodia. Uses It is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called yìmǔcǎo (Chinese: 益母草), literally “beneficial herb for mothers”. It is used in cases of menstrual and delivery disorders caused by blood stasis, like dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. Leonurus japonicus, […]

Atista Indica, Glycosmis pentaphylla    Synonyms: Glycosmis arborea, Glycosmis quinquefoliaGin Berry, opal orange, orangeberry, rum berry, tooth brush plant • Bengali: আশশেওড়া, বন জামির, মাতখিলা।Family: Rutaceae (Lemon family) Pharmacological activities Various in vitro and in vivo studies on extracts and individual phytoconstituents isolated from G. pentaphylla have demonstrated prominent anticancer, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and mosquitocidal activities owing to selective and non-selective cytotoxic effects on vital biological targets. […]

Acalypha indica,Indian Acalypha, Indian Mercury, Indian Copperleaf, Indian Nettle, Three-seeded Mercury is an herbaceous annual that has catkin-like inflorescences with cup-shaped involucres surrounding the minute flowers. It is mainly known for its root being attractive to domestic cats, and for its various medicinal uses. It occurs throughout the Tropics. The plant has many traditional medicinal uses. In Madagascar, the crushed plant is used for […]

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